Anyone game for sports?

Since my last posting below, a little bird told me that a few among you out there are still into sports of some kind. If guys are keen to get together for some friendlies, do drop a note here. Futsal can be a start.
Pervious posting
Just picked up a thought from Eric about having friendlies for the boys. The thought came to him while he was in shower (not sure what's the connection between shower and sports). I'm following up on Eric's suggestion (read his full comment on "Webpage For The Boys") by getting further thoughts and suggestions from you guys. While I'll not be putting on any cheerleading garb, I'll be there to cheer you on. Unlike some of you who have been keeping really fit with your weekly games (Hee Keong, Keat and others), I'm having serious "middle management problem" at my age. What say you guys? Go! Go! GO!

Patrick is fit enough for a game Futsal. Eric, any chance of you taking a lead on this since many are still shy of showing their faces/identity on this site? Forgive me if I'm be wrong. Many of you could actually be BUSY, right? I believe there are actually a few of you out there who can still kick without pulling a muscle. Go for it guys! At least we can get some real stuff going (and move ourselves from cyberworld to real world).
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