First Official Futsal Practice (Click here for more photos)

Well, well, well. We've finally done it. Despite the confusions over the venue, time and mixed messages, the boys had finally come together for the first outdoor activity (since school days). Although the crowd was smaller than expected, given a time slot of only an hour, it was more than enough for the least fittest in the crowd - ME! Originally, a spectator/cheerleader but ended up in the game as a last minute substitute. The joke on the pitch was "There are 2 teams playing against each other - MIC Team A and MIC Team B. Which one do I belong?" In case you guys didn't notice, I was the only fair-skin bloke on the pitch!
- Kong Hin - Spent more than an hour and half caught in after-office and rain-soaked traffic jam. He eventually joined for us for drinks. Great team spirit!
- Dr. Siva - Did not receive change in schedule and was on the way to venue after the game was over. My biggest apology to him. Also joined us for drinks. We couldn't have asked for a better team mate! Way to go!
- Canaga - Poor soul! Wanted to join the game but eventually only left office at around 11:00pm. Did not even manage to meet up for drinks because the boys were already tired after the game and needed to retire early. Thanks for trying! Would certainly look forward to seeing you in our next session.
- Ban Keat - Another poor soul. Held back at "gun point" by his boss till 8:30pm (well after the game). What can I say? In any case, he brought his boss along for the after-game drinks. Should have got his boss to buy a round, right George?
All in all, it was great fun. Sole of my new shoe almost came loose (wrong type - meant for badminton). Had to hold it together with cello-tape for the evening! Will keep you folks informed of the next one!
Quite of few new faces turned up for the evening (as seen in the picture below). A pleasant surprise was Russlan. Obviously collected his mug shot together with those of Joseph Martin and Clarence Fernandez. Check them out at Members' Profiles section.

Our Main Sponsors
- B.S.C. (a company owned by Edmund that acts as agent for all the foreign soccer players playing in Malaysia) sponsored 2 futsal balls costing RM150.
- Mano (a regular futsal player) paid for the court fee of RM80.
The 2 pictures taken did not come out well. Otherwise, they would also be on blog. Will send them to you on email.
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