Our Very Own Caring & Sharing Committee
Now it may come as a surprise to many (given the regular booze and cheap talks), the boys have actually agreed (at the recent Deepavali dinner) to form a committee to raise fund for charity. For lack of a better name, I've named it the Caring & Sharing Committee (feel free to suggest others). The committee comprises the following:
- Chairman - Donald De Rozario
- President - Dr. Silva
- Vice-President - Muniandy
- Secretary - Basil
- Treasurer - Tan Ban Keat
- Auditor - Canaga
- Sub-Committee Members:
- Mano
- Ragu
- Clarence
- Lim Hee Keong
The minutes of the first meeting had been recorded but yet to be circulated to the rest of the boys. Obviously, our secretary is working hard on deciphering his written minutes from the paper napkin that he wrote on. I'm sure the boys are very understanding to the secretary's busy schedule as well. In the same vein, the president will be calling for the first committee meeting "shortly" (no definition of what that means).
Seriously though at this juncture, it should also be mentioned that a few of the boys had recently started the ball rolling by collecting a sum of RM140 from a lunch gathering. In light of the formation of the committee, I'll be passing the collected amount to the new treasurer. It is our hope that this idea of caring and sharing receives the full support and momentum from the boys. And let the world know that the LSBC76 is not just about being happy and merry but also caring and sharing.
I am in full agrement with the idea of "caring and sharing". Count me in.
As a suggestion, with Christmas being around the corner, why don't we visit and spend some time in any children's home in KL. Maybe have a "pot luck" tea party with them.
I might be able to get some kids to play music.
Pls give it a thought.
.....you buggers should have employed a proper secretary from the Escapade pub, she was good looking and provided a variety of services including caring and sharing.....anyway I will try and find the napkin and update you guys provided that i have not used the napkin for cleaning something else......hah hah!
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