La Salle Boys Club (Class of '76)
This site is created with the objective of allowing the La Salle Boys (Class of '76) to stay connected. With more than 20 years of lost communication, the Boys have lots of catching up to do. It is hoped that this site is well used by all of us. "He removes the greatest ornament of friendship, who takes away from it respect" Cicero, Roman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC).
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Thought Of The Day!
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
Congratulations! It's A Girl!

Cute little Baby Nicole. wrote:
Hey Harjit,
Thanks for the e-mail, and yes I am a new dad. Baby was born on Mar. 31st 4:42 PM local time. Her name is Nicole Olivia. Mum and baby are doing fine. I also got a new job so my best way to communicate is at this e-mail address.
How are things with you? Saw your photo with Archibald and Mano on the LSB site. Having fun I see. Looking forward to your reply.
At 11:32 PM, MC said...
Congratulations Bala on your latest arrival. Happy to hear the good news. A photo to share with the boys?
At 8:15 AM, Tony said...
Hello there Guys! Everyone here is doing fine and hope all of you are well.I am enclosing a couple of photos of Nicole. Hope you see U all next year.
At 2:00 PM, Basil said...
Hi Bala,Congratulation.i am sure that you will make a great daddy.
Best wishes from Kate and Basil

First Official Futsal Practice (Click here for more photos)

Well, well, well. We've finally done it. Despite the confusions over the venue, time and mixed messages, the boys had finally come together for the first outdoor activity (since school days). Although the crowd was smaller than expected, given a time slot of only an hour, it was more than enough for the least fittest in the crowd - ME! Originally, a spectator/cheerleader but ended up in the game as a last minute substitute. The joke on the pitch was "There are 2 teams playing against each other - MIC Team A and MIC Team B. Which one do I belong?" In case you guys didn't notice, I was the only fair-skin bloke on the pitch!
- Kong Hin - Spent more than an hour and half caught in after-office and rain-soaked traffic jam. He eventually joined for us for drinks. Great team spirit!
- Dr. Siva - Did not receive change in schedule and was on the way to venue after the game was over. My biggest apology to him. Also joined us for drinks. We couldn't have asked for a better team mate! Way to go!
- Canaga - Poor soul! Wanted to join the game but eventually only left office at around 11:00pm. Did not even manage to meet up for drinks because the boys were already tired after the game and needed to retire early. Thanks for trying! Would certainly look forward to seeing you in our next session.
- Ban Keat - Another poor soul. Held back at "gun point" by his boss till 8:30pm (well after the game). What can I say? In any case, he brought his boss along for the after-game drinks. Should have got his boss to buy a round, right George?
All in all, it was great fun. Sole of my new shoe almost came loose (wrong type - meant for badminton). Had to hold it together with cello-tape for the evening! Will keep you folks informed of the next one!
Quite of few new faces turned up for the evening (as seen in the picture below). A pleasant surprise was Russlan. Obviously collected his mug shot together with those of Joseph Martin and Clarence Fernandez. Check them out at Members' Profiles section.

Our Main Sponsors
- B.S.C. (a company owned by Edmund that acts as agent for all the foreign soccer players playing in Malaysia) sponsored 2 futsal balls costing RM150.
- Mano (a regular futsal player) paid for the court fee of RM80.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
D-DAY For Futsal Practice (Click here for more photos)
Today is the DAY! The first time the boys are having a major OUTDOOR activity after almost 30 years! Even though this may just be a practice session, let's see how much juice the boys still have after all these years! In the hey days, some of you were kings of the fields and courts. Just wondering who still has it. Remember this is NOT A COMPETITION. So, let's just have FUN!
Date: 20 April 2005
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 pm sharp. The game is for an hour only.
Final Confirmed Participants:
- Ragu (reconfirmed)
- Basil (reconfirmed)
- Tan Ban Keat (reconfirmed)
- Canaga (reconfirmed)
- Edmund (reconfirmed)
- Kathir (reconfirmed)
- Archibald (reconfirmed)
- Norman Gerard (reconfirmed)
- Mano (reconfirmed)
- Chandra (reconfirmed)
- Chow Kong Hin (reconfirmed)
- Clarence (confirmed)
- Tan Meng Chai (reconfirmed)
- Harjit (reconfirmed)
- Eric Neoh (confirmed)
- Russlan (confirmed)
This is the first of a series of practice matches to be organised for the more active boys in the group. Since all of us are getting on with age, the matches are designed with more breaks and shorter playtime. Edmund will be leading the organizing of the games (since his company has a tagline that says "Football Is Our Business"). As incentive to the players, free jerseys will be provided (courtesy of Edmund's company).
We are looking for at least 15 participants (for 3 teams with 5-a-side). Any additional players can stand in as reserves. Please indicate your interest (either as participant or cheerleader) for the occasion. As a suggestion, the 3 teams should ONLY name themselves after these:
The doctors among the boys are requested to be present as standby medical assistants (should the boys get carried away by their "pasang kaki" tricks!). Calling Dr. Paul Dasen, Dr. Francis Anthony and Dr. Ganesan for standby duty please. For the rest, sign in please.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
A little La Sallian History !!